Fishy February; A-Z of a Mermaid's Friends (F)F - Fairy Penguin ✩ At around 35cm tall, these are the smallest penguin species! 🐧 Fairy Penguins spend approximately 80% of their...
Fishy February; A-Z of a Mermaid's Friends (E)E - Eel ✩ This Moray Eel is looking pretty relaxed 😎 Did you know: Electric Eels are no myth! They have special organs that release...
Fishy February; A-Z of a Mermaid's Friends (D)D - Dolphin ✩ Who doesn’t love a dolphin Did you know Killer Whales are actually dolphins? 🐬 - There are around 40 species of dolphin...
Fishy February; A-Z of a Mermaid's Friends (C)C - Cuttlefish ✩ “Chameleons of the sea” Can you spot this baby cuttlefish hiding? (Baby cuttlefish are called cuttlets 😍) -...
Fishy February; A-Z of a Mermaid's Friends (B)B - Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray ✩ Another colourful species! 💙 - These guys are found in tropical waters, typically on sandy patches of...
Fishy February; A-Z of a Mermaid's Friends (A)A - Anemone ✩ - These Snakelocks Anemones are pretty, but don't touch! They give a nasty sting to humans! - Snakelocks Anemones are...